Hosting and domain names

Reliable and safe webhosting

Webhosting and a domain name are at the root of every website, and we provide excellent advice and support. We offer you reliable webhosting for your website, naturally based on a customized package. Moreover, we are happy to support you with choosing and claiming a domain name.
Control plus provides reliable webhosting, based on excellent security. We host your website on high-quality servers in a well secured datacentre, with our preferred supplier. You will not have to worry about hosting, we are happy to offer a solution that fits your needs.
Domain name advice
Furthermore, we can advise you about your domain name and therein consider for example findablility, recognisability and general look and feel. We will help you to bring everything together under one roof, it will minimize the time you spend worrying about your website and everything around it.
Personal advice?
Hosting & domeinnamen

Why hosting and a domain name at Control Plus?

  • Reliable webhosting and a high uptime
  • Good security by high-quality servers
  • Everything under one roof

Well-suited for various sectors

Control Plus is well-suited for various specific sectors and industries. Are you active in the field of corporate health, physiotherapy or do you own a gym? Among others, many personal trainers and gyms are happily using our system, which helps them to organize their administration and maximize their customer lifetime value. Choose for the simplicity of our easy-to-use system, combined with the elaborate features Control Plus has to offer. Raise your organization to the next level, while you can return focus to the matters that make you excel.
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Satisfied clients

Control Plus has already convinced a large number of clients, and we would like to share some of these cases with you. These organizations are fully satisfied using our easy-to-use online administration software, enabling them to focus completely on their specific core business.

De Nieuwe Yogaschool

It is clear to me!

Is it clear to you that Control Plus can offer you major advantages? Do you wish to keep an online record of your administration from now on and use professional features you can easily manage? You can request your demo online, and we will make sure you can start as soon as possible.

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I have some more questions…

Do you have some more questions about Control Plus, one of the modules or about the advantages they may offer your organization? We understand that the full potential of our online administration software might be a little overwhelming, and would like to hear from you to elaborate a little more personally…

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